Journey to Africa

Photo Album

We made it to East Africa in June 2000.  This was a wonderful experience not only because of the beautiful country, wonderful African people, and large animals but also because of the special group of people we had the privilege of traveling with.  

Here are some highlights:

bulletMap of Kenya
bulletTour director Dr. Dale LeBaron and his wife Laura at the "Out of Africa" Karen Blixen home.
bulletTony, our Kenyan guide who is a National Treasure, along with four of our drivers.
bulletLDS church building and children of ward members in Narobi
bulletPrincipal and Students at a Massi School and a song they sang for us.
bulletMassi Village people in front of a home.
bulletOur driver Godfrey singing Jambo, Jambo. (Lyrics)


Here is some of what we saw:

bulletWhat is going on in Africa right now!
bulletAny Comments?